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Realistic Drawing Class with Veri Apriyatno

Enhance your realistic drawing skills by learning from the expert!

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About Veri Apriyatno

Veri Apriyatno is an Indonesian contemporary artist known for his hyperrealistic pencil drawing works. Born in Kuningan in 1973, Veri Apriyatno studied art at FSRD ITB and has been actively creating arts since 1990s.

Veri Apriyatno has a high dedication to art and education. He actively holds prestigious workshops and exhibitions in various countries, such as solo exhibition at D’Artmaga Bogor and Lotte Shopping Avenue Jakarta, and Faber-Castell Drawing Exhibition in Germany. His collaboration with Disney Marvel on “Art Collaboration for Doctor Strange” proves his talent to global recognition. He has also published tutorial books for pencil drawing.

Through , Veri Apriyatno wants to share and inspire anyone to pursue their passion in art. This platform is the concrete embodiment of his commitment to share knowledge and open access for anyone who has a willingness to learn painting.

Veri Art Center Class is for you who are...

Art Lovers & Enthusiasts

Art lovers with passion of drawing and painting


School or college students who are passionate in learning drawing techniques


Experts who want to learn realist drawing techniques

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